Title: 12ChineseZodiacAnimalsStoryinChineseandEnglishPDF In the long history of Chinese culture, the zodiac is one of the important parts of China's ancient traditional culturebai chemical. The twelve animals combine with the sexagenary branches to form a symbolic system that conveys wisdom, courage, and the vicissitudes of time. Below we will introduce the story of this zodiac animal in the form of Chinese and English. 1. Rat In traditional Chinese culture, the rat is a symbol of wisdom and dexterity. Legend has it that rats used their ingenuity to help the gods through difficulties, and thus were given an important place. In the English story, rats are also depicted as small creatures with quick witting and nimble. As the head of the zodiac, the image of the rat embodies the ability to adapt to changes in the environment and the wisdom of survival. 2. Ugly Oxbai google The ox is a symbol of hard work and strengthTrò chơi bài. Legend has it that the ox worked diligently and helped the people to cultivate the land and reap a good harvest. In English stories, the image of the cow is also endowed with the qualities of hard work and trust. In the order of the zodiac, the ox represents stability and perseverance. 3. Tiger The tiger is one of the mythical animals of China, symbolizing courage and strength. The legendary tiger is brave and good at fighting, guarding the four directions. In English-speaking culture, the tiger has a similar symbolism, representing bravery and majesty. In the zodiac arrangement, the image of the tiger highlights courage and action.co tuong viet nam mien phi 4. Rabbit The rabbit is a symbol of meekness and wisdomchoi tien len mien nam. The legendary rabbit is clever and witty, and is good at avoiding danger. In English stories, rabbits are also depicted as witty and agile animals. The image of the rabbit shows the ability to be flexible and cautious. 5. Dragon The dragon is a mythical animal in Chinese culture, symbolizing authority and auspiciousness. Legend has it that the dragon can call the wind and rain and bless all things to grow. In English, the word "dragon" often carries connotations of mystery and power. The dragon's zodiac status highlights authority and mystery. 6. Snake The snake is a symbol of wisdom and mystery. Legend has it that the snake has magical powers and helps people solve puzzlesscoring bai. In English-speaking culture, the snake has a similar symbolism, representing wisdom and cunning. The image of the snake embodies the qualities of thoughtfulness and prudence. 7choi bai doi the. Horse The horse is a symbol of speed and strength. The legendary horse gallops thousands of miles to help heroes fight on the battlefieldnhung website tai nhac mien phi. In English stories, horses also represent speed and courage. The horse's zodiac status reflects the pursuit of speed and power. 8. Sheep The sheep is a symbol of meekness and peacebai products. The legendary sheep are kind and docile, bringing peace and tranquility to the people. In English-speaking culture, sheep are also seen as pacifists, representing peace and harmony. The image of the sheep shows the qualities of meekness and balance. 9seung. Monkey The monkey is a symbol of liveliness and intelligence. The legendary monkey is witty and good at solving problems. In English stories, monkeys are also depicted as witty and lively animals. The image of the monkey embodies intelligence and adaptability. 10. Rooster The chicken is a symbol of diligence and loyalty. The legendary chicken is diligent and keeps his word, waking people up on time to welcome the new day. In English, "chicken" also represents industriousness and diligence. The image of the chicken shows the qualities of diligence and responsibility. 11. Dogcard games for two people Dogs are a symbol of loyalty and bravery. The legendary dog loyally guards its home and bravely fights against its enemies. In English-speaking culture, dogs are also a symbol of loyalty and braverylady bai. The dog's zodiac status reflects the qualities of loyalty and protection. 12. Boar The pig is a symbol of fertility and good fortune. The legendary pig symbolizes a good harvest and abundancebai tinh ca cho em pdf. In English stories, pigs are also given auspicious and abundant meanings. The image of the pig shows the quality of abundance and contentment. The above is a brief introduction to the story of the twelve zodiac animals, each of which carries a rich cultural connotation and symbolism. Through the form of Chinese and English, we can better understand and appreciate these stories and feel the charm of Chinese culture. (ENDS)